Design elements to guide your planting composition
Planting design is a science and an art. The science takes into consideration what your plants need to thrive, while the art is about aesthetic composition. This month let's focus on the art of planting design through the elements of FORM, TEXTURE + COLOR.
For now we will do a quick overview with the intention of deep-diving into each one in future months.
Let's jump into this new adventure!
Above image credits: Monrovia, plus landscape and plant photography by Doreen Wynja + design by Jacky O'Leary.
Below image credits: Monrovia, plus landscape and plant photography by Doreen Wynja + design by Tish Treherne of Bliss Garden Design.
PLANTING DESIGN. The thoughtful selection and arrangement of plants. Plants have many functions in a landscape, including reinforcing garden rooms. READ MORE HERE.
The three planting design elements include...
This is the overall plant shape that includes it's height, width and is the most consistent design element.
Creating the right texture combinations in a planting is pretty powerful. Combine large and small leaves for a punch.
Color comes and goes, but if focused and choreographed well it adds a layer of excitement to your composition.
Below you will find several items to help you learn more about FORM + TEXTURE + COLOR. From written words to video to applied activities to group discussions. Explore our topic from different angles and gain a new perspective. Click on the first two images below to download PDFs. Further down you will find a video and links to our community, plus Q+A's too!
Don't forget to hang out with everyone to share your work and chat about FORM + TEXTURE + COLOR! Check in to share your activity via the CHALLENGES area. Specific links are located in each activity below.
Activity .01
Find a photo of a plant with a strong form that can grow in your area. What plant form is this and what drew you to it?
Activity .02
Find an image of plants with awesome contrasting textures that you can also grow in your area. What do you like about these textures?
Activity .03
Find an image of a planting bed with a limited color palette. What excites you about these color choices?
Activity .04
Choose three plants for a proposed bed (your own, a client's or an imaginary one) with careful consideration of FORM + TEXTURE + COLOR. Is it a sunny or shady location? Wet or dry? Define your cultural boundaries.
As you choose your three plants consider:
FORM: Did you pick three different forms?
TEXTURE: Do you have a mix of small and large leaves?
COLOR: Have you limited your colors to less than three?
Share a photo of a mood board with images/drawings of your three plants and why you chose them.
Share a win!
What have you accomplished in the last month that makes you super happy? Let us celebrate with you!
We have two this month: our normal Q+A, plus a special guest presentation. These will both be recorded in case you can't make it (then posted right back here). Visit the Q+A SCHEDULE for times and links or click below. I can't wait to see you!
Business Q+A
with Mardi Dover
Visit Mardi's website here:
Mardi's new class:
Foundations of Garden Design Business
I'd love your feedback once you've devoured all this goodness.
Drop me a note at the email below and let me know what you loved and what could be improved. Thank you!
Please contact me at [email protected]