A lovely way to unify your garden

Though color is the most fleeting in the garden (in terms of planting design), it can be used as a dynamic layer to unify the structural elements of form and texture.

One way to focus your color is to simply use ONE color in a monochromatic color scheme. The secret is to not use the same shade of your color (boring!), but instead inject a harmonious mix of dark and light shades of that color to add depth and interest. Yay!

This month we will focus on using monochromatic color schemes in planting design. Though it can also include hardscape materials, we'll save that for a future topic.

Step back and gain a broader perspective of the elements of planting design in Garden Guide No. 006: FORM + TEXTURE + COLORClick here to visit our DESIGN LIBRARY. Look under the PLANTING DESIGN section.


Below you will find several items to help you learn more about MONOCHROMATIC COLOR SCHEMES. From written words to video to applied activities to group discussions. Explore our topic from different angles and gain a new perspective. Click on the first two images below to download PDFs. Further down you will find a searchable plant database, a video, links to our community, plus live sessions too!

Search the Monrovia Plant Finder to explore plant options in your area

If you haven't tried this super fun plant database please dive in. You can search by zone, environmental conditions, bloom time...and color! If you're still learning plants this is a great place to start building a plant palette.

Look here!


Below is a lovely webinar by Monrovia that highlights five different monochromatic planting schemes with an artistic flair. What I love about these is that they show how you can explore the different shades within a color range to get depth and movement. I also love that they created fabulous themes for tell a broader story.  The combinations include:


Bohemian Purples

Sherbert Shades

Summer Sangria

Country Butter Yellow

Return of Red


I'm always inspired by Monrovia's beautifully creative combinations and hope you will be too.


Don't forget to hang out with everyone to share your work and chat about MONOCHROMATIC COLORS! Check in to share your activity via the CHALLENGES area. Specific links are located in each activity below.

Activity .01


Share a photo of a monochromatic planting by another designer (or perhaps a planting you created) and share it as a Challenge.

Share via a CHALLENGE

Activity .02


Choose 3-5 plants for a proposed monochromatic color planting bed.

Share your images via a mood board (or whatever format you'd like) and explain why you chose them.

Share via a CHALLENGE

Share a win!

What have you accomplished in the last month that makes you super happy? Let us celebrate with you!

I have something cool to share!


We have two this month: our normal Q+A, plus a special guest presentation. These will both be recorded in case you can't make it (then posted right back here). Visit the Q+A SCHEDULE for times and links or click below. 

I can't wait to see you!

The Design Process + Design Agreements in Practice with Geta Winberg

Tuesday, June 6

7 AM PT | 9 AM CT | 10 AM ET

London: 3 PM

Sydney: June 7 at midnight

We'll discuss how Geta communicates her design process, plus she'll show us her coveted design agreement between her and her clients.

Check out how she includes her design process on her website.

Her current design agreement, plus an older version.

Video Chat Summary

Learn more about Geta here.

Check out the recording here!

Monthly Q+A

Tuesday, JuneĀ 29


London:Ā 9Ā PM

Sydney:Ā June 7Ā atĀ 1 AM

Video Chat Summary


I'd love your feedback once you've devoured all this goodness. 

Drop me a note at the email below and let me know what you loved and what could be improved. Thank you!

Please contact me at [email protected]

Return to the  Garden Design Collective headquarters

Let's go!